A Note About Grading Policies

The Greenwater Vocal Music grading policies outline skills, behaviors, and concepts that will be assessed throughout the school year at the elementary, middle, and high school levels.  The plan reflects consistency in terms of concepts and skills covered through all levels of the curriculum.  Musical study will obviously become more in-depth as students progress into higher grades. 

Students who take music class seriously and participate in a positive manner should have no problem achieving a high grade.  In elementary school and middle school, participation, attitude, and involvement comprise at least half of the overall grade.  In high school, slightly more emphasis is placed on musical knowledge, skills, and written work; however, involvement in music still represents the largest fraction of the overall grade.  I emphasize participation and attitude because, without optimal performance in these areas, nothing further can be achieved in terms of musical study.  Percentages do, however, reflect the high value I place on musical learning and skill.  Students cannot ignore these facets and expect to score well in music.  As indicated in the charts, I base assessment of music knowledge and skills on individual improvement.  Students will be held to some common standards, but ultimately, I want students to work their hardest to improve in music, regardless of their skill or grade level.