Friday, December 9, 2011

Elementary Music: Program Overview

Mrs. Johnson is the general/vocal music teacher for grades kindergarten through sixth grade. Ms. Sherman is the piano accompanist, and also helps lead music classroom activities.

Elementary students participate in a general music education curriculum through grade six. The curriculum is aligned with the national and state music standards. In addition to conceptual learning, students gain experience in performing music in an ensemble setting.

Kindergarten students attend music class every other day (either two or three times per week) for twenty minutes. The kindergarten class presents one public program in the fall semester to showcase their learning. In the spring semester, parents are invited to attend an "open house" class period, which is an additional opportunity for students to show what they have learned.

First through fifth grades have music class for forty-five minutes every day. Classroom activities include a combination of musical concept learning and rehearsal-based instruction. Grades one, two, and three present a music program in the fall semester (usually on the same evening as the kindergarten program) to present literature they have practiced. Grades four, five, and six present their program in the spring semester. Music programs typically consist of performance of studied literature, and often include spoken and instrumental components.

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